Friday, 11 July 2008


Wheelbarrows –

I have been thinking a lot about wheelbarrows…thousands of them being pushed about Liberia…mobile store fronts for flip-flops, clothing, fabric, tools, bras, toilet paper, eggs, tapes and DVDs, baskets, towels, Chiclets, candy, charcoal, head bands, coconuts; a means of delivery for a host of purchased goods; even recliners for sleeping men…but I think one thing that has shocked me and that is common here is when I first heard of a child dying in the wheelbarrow on the way to the hospital. I thought “Surely not!” But then a pastor friend of ours in a village said his wife was so sick in the middle of the night that they thought they would have to put her in a wheelbarrow and take her to the clinic. So, yes, it is a common means of transportation when you live way out in a village and it is the rainy season and there is no other way to get to the main road. Shocking. I find it shocking.

There is so much I need to think about here.

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