Tuesday 22 April 2008

This little Piggy....

Lots of babies this week for cleft lip surgery. A nurse this morning says they cried all night long. She said it was quite distracting. An understatement. I am sure it is a strange place to be. And she is the nurse for the job. We have such great, compassionate nurses here.

Also, many young patients are in for clubbed feet correction. I saw 2 young boys the other day on the dock, leaving to go home. They were probably 7 or 8 years old, hobbling very fast on new crutches, walking casts on, big grins, happy family members, just as if it were all so normal. Made me smile. a life can change so quickly!

Wear Your Slippers, Wear Your Slippers!

Two weeks ago, I was visiting one of the villages where some health care teaching was going on under a big tree. The teaching was on Hookworms and wearing your shoes as a preventative measure. It looked like attention was wavering. I remember praying for a missionary family with SIM in Burkina Faso who wanted us, as a Sunday School, to pray that their young son would keep his shoes on to prevent hookworms. So, this brought back memories for me As I watched, I thought, can we sing about it? Really, God is so faithful. Right away the tune for Frere Jacque or Are you sleeping? came to mind, so here goes…

Wear your slippers (flip flops here are called slippers)
Wear your slippers
Every Day
Every day
When you wear your slippers
When you wear your slippers
The worms stay away
The worms stay away

Of course, all this with motions. They all started to sing it. And a couple of days ago, while walking through the same village, people saw me and started singing. My favourite scripture lately has been Psalm 121. Our help cometh from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth. Why don’t I fgo to him more often. It was so fast, so direct, so practical and the ship people who are out there everyday, say that the people young and old are still singing that little piece of wisdom.

I am excited!!

Friday 11 April 2008


This is Princess. She is one of our VVF women and I got to know her last year. She has been on board three times now, so we have spent a lot of time together. She has learned to knit and to crochet and this time we played lots and lots of card games, with her beating me soundly at Crazy Eights many times. Princess was identified and brought here by the International Rescue Committee and they will bring her back for check ups until she is considered ready to go back to the Interior. Her plan is to continue selling from her wheel barrow and return to school in the fall. These women are amazing.
Check out the documentary called A Walk To Beautiful, airing on Nova May 13th in the States. It really shows the plight of women with fistulas.



How exciting to see the first harvest of honey from the women's projects from last year in Liberia!